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Season 2 Episode 20

Pam Fibro & trigeminal neuralgia.PNG


In this episode we will discuss fibromyalgia with Pamela who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004 after surgery to alleviate her gastric reflux disease. 

Wordfind Therapy

My name is Pamela Jessen, and I live in Langford, BC, just outside of Victoria. I am happily married to my amazing husband Ray, we are proud parents of 2 grown kids and three wonderful grandsons. I am formerly employed as an Administrative Specialist and am a Certified Event Planner. With my career behind me and now being on Long Term Disability, I am a blogger who writes about Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue and Invisible Illness. My blog is called There Is Always Hope and can be found at .  I am currently a Moderator for a blogging group on Facebook called Sharing Inspiring Promoting Bloggers.


In addition to blogging, I am an active volunteer with the Patient Voices Network, an organization in British Columbia that gives ordinary people the ability to have a say in how healthcare is delivered in our province. I currently sit on 4 different committees. Outside of PVN, I have also done volunteer work for Island Health as a Patient Advisor, I was on the Advisory Committee for Opioid Guidelines in Canada, and I recently gave my time to the Downtown Victoria Business Association’s Busker Festival


I love to craft and create, play on the computer, write short stories and poetry and I enjoy reading True Crime and Biographies. Despite my daily pain, I am living a blessed life.

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