My name is Pamela Jessen, and I live in Langford, BC, just outside of Victoria. I am happily married to my amazing husband Ray, we are proud parents of 2 grown kids and three wonderful grandsons. I am formerly employed as an Administrative Specialist and am a Certified Event Planner. With my career behind me and now being on Long Term Disability, I am a blogger who writes about Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue and Invisible Illness. My blog is called There Is Always Hope and can be found at https://pamelajessen.com . I am currently a Moderator for a blogging group on Facebook called Sharing Inspiring Promoting Bloggers.
In addition to blogging, I am an active volunteer with the Patient Voices Network, an organization in British Columbia that gives ordinary people the ability to have a say in how healthcare is delivered in our province. I currently sit on 4 different committees. Outside of PVN, I have also done volunteer work for Island Health as a Patient Advisor, I was on the Advisory Committee for Opioid Guidelines in Canada, and I recently gave my time to the Downtown Victoria Business Association’s Busker Festival
I love to craft and create, play on the computer, write short stories and poetry and I enjoy reading True Crime and Biographies. Despite my daily pain, I am living a blessed life.