In this first part of a two part series we discuss Fibromyalgia with Kristal Kent. Kristal is a female Veteran and next week we will be interviewing a male Veteran with Fibro. Fibromyalgia, although the term might be very well know to many has a few surprising symptoms. These two Vets will be discussing the symptoms they deal with on a day to day basis.

As A Person Suffering With Fibromyalgia, Kristal Kent Is An Army Veteran and Fibromyalgia Advocate and Patient Leader. With 20 Years Of Social Services Experience, Kristal’s Advocacy Work Focuses On Educating The Fibromyalgia Community On Their Illness, How To Best Advocate For their Healthcare Needs And Apply For Medical Disability Benefits And Entitlements. As A Veteran With Fibromyalgia, Kristal Also Advocates On Behalf Of Military Veterans Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia. Kristal Kent Serves On The WEGO HEALTH Patient Leader Advisory Board and Is A Board of Trustee Member For the Fibromyalgia Care Society Of America. Kristal Has Received Numerous Awards For Her Advocacy Work, Including 2 WEGO Health Awards in 2018. Kristal Is The Founder Of The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles And The Co-Founder Of Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia.
Kristal has suffered a horrible loss just prior to this posting. Her house was destroyed by fire! Luckily Kristal and her dog escaped with their lives, but unlike her canine companion, Kristal usually wears more than just the clothes she escaped with. Her insurance is being cantankerous on paying the claim and she is trying to rebuild what she can in the meanwhile. She lost all of her belongings, food, furniture etc. A friend has started a go-fund-me account so Kristal can at least have funds for a few immediate needs. You can find her site here .
On a more positive note, Kristal has been nominated for several awards on a medical on-line web site called WEGO Health. You can find out more about Kristal's advocacy work that led to these awards here.