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Season 4

Episode 6

Norman Hanley 5x5 Headshot.png

Fibromyalgia A Male Veteran's Perspective

In this episode we will discuss Fibromyalgia with Norman.   Fibromyalgia is found in both men & women, with the greater percentage of the cases in the later.  Gender-based stereotyping may be partially to blame for the disorder being seen less often in men.  If that is the case, let's help break that stereotype now!

Wordfind Therapy
More About This Guest

Norman Hanley, is a United Stated Marine Veteran, founder of "Men With Fibromyalgia", and active board member for "The International Support Fibromyalgia Network" as well as the Program Director for their Veterans Programs. He currently lives in Arizona with his wife Stephanie (2008 - now), 3 rescue beagles, and 2 cats. Published in the 2018 Sumner Edition pf Pain Pathways Magazine, currently in pre-publication of his book titled Men With Fibromyalgia, expected to be available later this year.

In 2009, Norman's life become more crowded with pain and fatigue. After receiving an unofficial Fibromyalgia Diagnosis, Adrenal Fatigue, and Osteo Arthritis in 2011 from the VA, to the point of not being able to hold a job in 2012. Finally officially receiving a Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Arthritis in 2014 by the VA, is when Norman decided to start the
MenWithFibromyalgia Blog, to tell his own story. However so many other men reached out to him, asking for help, that he became the advocate he is today. 

Norman deals daily with the following conditions: Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, Degenerative Disk Disease, Ostro Arthritis, Migraines, Raynauds, and other more minor co-morbid conditions. 

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